Dr Jen and her team are fantastic! Dr Jen herself is extremely knowledgable, kind and organized. The admin team are always professional, friendly and help with any request quickly. The clinic has a nice atmosphere and it has tons of equipment for visual therapy. After a brain injury I have...
When I first started vision therapy in the fall of 2014, I had just started attending college and could not read or use computers at all, due to tracking and focusing difficulties and light sensitivities. I did eye exercises every day and went to my appointments every week. I was...
I am a 72 year old, retired physician who participated in Vision Therapy - at Boulder Valley Vision Therapy - for approximately two years when I was in my late sixties. I underwent therapy over a week to treat my "lazy eye" and suppressive Amblyopia that I have had all...
All my life I thought the words moving and disappearing was just something I'd have to deal with. We thought not being able to read until second grade was just who I was. I lived my life afraid to read aloud at school, trying to hide the fact that I...
Vision Therapy is an optometric specialty. Students from the University of Colorado Pre-Optometry Club learned more about functional vision skills and vision therapy treatment here at our office on January 29, 2009....
Before Vision Therapy I saw double when tired or reading. I would shut my right eye to see clearly and get headaches from reading. I could not remember names and faces of people I met while walking my dog. The first success I noticed was the absence of any double...
Before vision therapy, I struggled when I read. It was frustrating. But when I did vision therapy, I could read. . . and I didn’t struggle. I moved up a level and enjoy reading very much. I am glad that Dowis Vision Therapy Center was there to help me....
Before Vision Therapy I struggled when I read. It was frustrating. But when I did vision therapy, I could read and I didn't struggle. I moved up a level and enjoy reading very much. I am glad that Dowis Vision Therapy Center (now Boulder Valley Vision Therapy) was there to...
It was easier to work at school after I did vision therapy. It made working more fun to do because I could see better. I can see everything better. These things are more fun now that I can see better: Playing Games Reading Doing Math Writing Playing on the playground,...
My daughter began vision therapy when she was assessed two grade levels below where she should be reading. After just 12 sessions of vision therapy, she is reading at grade level. Whoopee! She has gone from being afraid to read in front of the class to "being the first kid...

During the fall of first grade, our daughter's teacher told us that she suspected Sydney suffered from ADHD. A consultaton with a local psychologist seemed to confirm the teacher's suspicions. But we weren't convinced, and neither were her kindergarten or pre-school teachers. . . The same week, we got the...
I wanted to thank you and Andrea for the opportunity to shadow you on Friday. Seriously, that is such cool work that you do and I’m glad you think so too! Your pride in what you do and your expertise in how you do it really showed me a spirit...
I was originally referred Dowis Vision Therapy because I was having depth perception problems. I would be driving down the street and couldn't tell which stop light was closest to me. That's an extremely scary experience not only for me but for everyone else driving on the road with me....
I've struggled with my vision my whole life and I didn't even know it. I used to get debilitating dizzy spells which would take me out for the entire day. These spells would occur at least once a week. Looking at LED Christmas lights, a brightly lit room or a...

When I started vision therapy, I was having various problems reading, focusing on the Blackboard, and being able to focus on my speedometer quickly enough when driving, which of course, was very unsafe. I am currently a high school student, and these things were very detrimental to my grades, and...
After a year of struggling with reading I finally convinced my mom to take me to the eye doctor. My moms answer had always been "Stop complaining! They give you eye exams at school. If you kept your focus you would be done reading." It turns out I did have...

When I was in the third grade, I had my first introduction to vision therapy. I loved to read, but it was very tiring and I took a long time to complete assignments. My parents took me to a developmental optometrist and after two months of vision therapy my reading...
When we first came to see Dr. Dowis, our son was experiencing pain over one eye and hated school. He actually said, “words are my enemy.” During the middle of his first grade year we began vision therapy. He worked hard for eight months and we saw amazing improvement —...
Thank you for all of your work with our son. It sure has paid off: his performance at school has improved dramatically since he began vision therapy. Where his math skills were lacking before we began vision therapy, he is now both meeting and exceeding his grade level expectations. At his...
Please contact us with any questions you might have at bouldervt@yahoo.com.