2008 Holiday Toy and Game List
Dr. Simonson's Favorite 2008 Picks:
Rush Hour (ages 8+)
Rush Hour Jr. (ages 6-8)
SET Cards (ages 6+)
Blink (ages 3+)
Katamino (ages 3+)
Make'n'Break (ages 5+)
Blokus (ages 5+)
Farkle (ages 6+)
Eye-Hand Coordination and Spatial Skills
Battleship - Jenga - Perfection - Beading Crafts
Jacks - Legos - Lacing Cards - Weaving Loom
Uno Stacko - Etch a Sketch - Topple - Light Bright
Barrel of Monkeys - Magna Doodle - Yo-Yo
Squiggle Pen - Pick-up Sticks - Paint by Number
Operation - Frisbee - Tinker Toys - Toss Across
Perceptual/Visual Thinking Games:
Sequence - Connect Four - Parquetry Blocks
I Spy Book - Rubik's Cube - Mastermind
Imagine That - Tri-ominos - Racko - Simon
Dominoes - Pentominoes - Where's Waldo
Brick by brick - Block by block - Soma Cubes
Battle ship - Tanagrams - Jigsaw puzzles
Othello - Shape by shape - Memory
Please contact us with any questions you might have at bouldervt@yahoo.com.